Actually it seems to me the whole folder does not work Thats very sad. Game still able to running now but theres no a lot of ganados sounds wich I made they are disappeared.
Flow rate 768 Then made em10 with DirectX XACT tool and changed 2 original em10 files. I tried to make voiceovers for ganado and this crap dosen't work at all ((( The Files were extracted from em10, I have made my wav voices gave them same names and replaced original files. Is it because my mod wav file is shorter than the origianl one? How can I enlong the shorter one?īillsxz hi man. All the voice in the bio4evt.xwb file are mute. I also tried only replaced the second one: 0000009d.wav, left the first one (0000009c.wav) unchanged, to see if the first one have some sound.
I use the same pamameters as the original one: 16bit 32000khz, 2 channels stereo which causes the rate bit is 1024kb/s. My mod wav files are a bit shorter (0~1s shorter) than the original ones. I just replaced first two dialogues in the begining of the game: Leon sits in the police car and talks to them. The game works.īut after I replaced some of wav file I want to mod, the game still can run, but all the event dialogue conversation voice have gone. Yes, after switching to 'Streaming', the hex file shows exactly same with data part except first 40-50 head chunk.Īnd I put back to the game folder.